Betty. Taipei

Monday, July 11, 2005

Family Outing- Wu Lai

9:30 am Heading to Wu lai with parent's and family friend
10:30 am Arrived Wu lai Perserve- Xiao Yi(孝義) and started 2 hrs of hiking session.
- butterflies were everywhere.
- saw bunch of 黃金獵犬 swimming in the river.
- scenery is awsome.

12:00 pm Lunch time...
- the wide balsam pear was tasty

02:25 pm After lunch walk..
- took a walk to digest the lunch before the htot spring spa.

03:30 pm hot spring session in 天池 outdoor hot spring...
- very relax after bath in hot&cold spring..

06:45 pm Heading home..

Friday, July 08, 2005

Tasty bakery discovered - Vanilla (香草蛋糕舖)

An awesom bakery w/ good food and good surrounding has been such a country side, Tao Yuan.

There are more than 30 kinds of cake for you to choose from.. and according to my colleagues say that all of them are tasty. I have tried several differnt kinds of cakes..( not all at the same time of coz..) .. All I hv to say is that if you have chance visit Tao Yuan, you must drop by this bakery...

Sunny Day2...

今天是本公司"暑假"的第2天. 為了我月底的新加坡省親(還是應該說省友...) 行, 自願留守.
原本人聲鼎沸的office, 今天呈現人去樓空的景象, 而我也耳根清靜. 閒來無事把我的cubicle 打掃了一番... 順便把還穿著聖誕衣的BenQ獅子換新裝..